

2009年5月24日 星期日

When love stand in reality

Someone said,
A couple needs romantic sentiment to maintain their LOVE
I said,
A couple needs realistic substance to maintain their LIFE first
A friend of mine
Longing to experience a dynamic amour, it’s just “longing”
Another friend of mine
Suffering enough to give her lover a dynamic amour,
this is the truth
Every night
She wants him to tell “I love you”
Is it an act of LOVE?
Not for me
“Sometimes, importunity romance make LIFE and LOVE baldness and tasteless,
then gone”
A friend of mine
Believing that he can has a blest life with his lover
although he can’t even sure that he has enough money to get his dinner tonight,
it’s just “believing”
Another friend of mine
Leaving her boyfriend
because the new one can give her enough money to buy a year’s food,
this is the reality
He wants her to starve with him
Is it an act of LOVE?
Not for me
“We can support our love with plain water,
but life need more than plain water to go on”
I not meant to look down on the poor,
just everyone can affect their future with their own backbone
Yes, I'm reality enough.
and i hope I can be more reality
just to protect

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

coOl gal...XD
actually i not so understand nia lo...next time explain to me when v meet ya...^^

vicky 提到...

tis fren..may i knw who r u ar??
r u chuan???

niy哇哇 提到...

mistery guess~~~

niy哇哇 提到...


匿名 提到...

hahahaa~as long as u tot who m i~
then i m the one...XD
jz name me...GAS...